ENHYPEN Reveals Wishes in 2022, The Benefits of Being a HYBE Label Artist, and Mutual Attraction

Eka P

ENHYPEN Reveals Wishes in 2022, The Benefits of Being a HYBE Label Artist, and Mutual Attraction
One of their hopes is for the situation to get better in 2022 so they can connect with fans more. They are also eager to attend the Billboard Music Awards.

ENHYPEN recently participated in a photo shoot and interview for @star1 magazine. Here, the seven members of the group talk about each other's charms and what they want to do this year.

The members expressed their excitement about their future. Jungwon said, "I didn't know time would pass this fast. They say that time seems to go faster as time passes. Because a year goes by so fast, thinking about time going faster makes me feel excited, but also scared. That's why I can think more deeply about the last year we spent together."

Jay said, "We recently had a fan meeting. Our fans talk a lot about our first debut anniversary, and we are grateful to be able to spend our first anniversary meaningfully with our fans."

Jake replied, "We released a lot of albums over the past year and grew rapidly. There's still a lot to show with our diverse characteristics. I want to spend a lot of time with ENGENE in the future."

The members also revealed each other's hidden charms. Sunoo said, "I think people get a high school movie vibe from Jake because he's from Australia, but that's not entirely true. He really likes Korean food, so I feel very close to him." Sunghoon jokingly added, "It looks like he only eats bread, but actually he likes cabbage soup."

Jake complimented Heesung, saying, "Heeseung has a great voice. He even sings great with this voice, so I hope people will recognize this more about him. He's a man with sexy vocal cords." Heeseung continued the series of compliments by saying, "Jungwon looks cute, but he's also a great guy. He really cares about the members and checks on us if we don't look too good."

Jungwon said, "Ni-ki is the youngest and looks cute, but he shines on stage. The contrast between him on stage and off stage sometimes gives me goosebumps. That switch is his charm point." Ni-ki said, "Sunghoon looks chic and mature, but he's also fun and energetic when we're together in the dorm."

Sunghoon continued, "I think people might think that Jay seems strong and difficult to approach, but he has a warm heart and is quite gentle. He cries a lot and is the most emotional." Jay added, "Sunoo's face gets really red when he says something, and I think it's really funny. That's how pure he is."

When asked about some of the things they learned from being part of a big label, Jake said, "I'm honored to be part of a label with such amazing senior artists. There's a lot to learn from them." Sunghoon also added, "When we met with them and asked questions, they answered us very deeply. Recently, I asked TXT's Soobin about the MC audition, and I learned a lot from him."

Finally, the members shared their plans for the new year. Sunoo said, "I turn 20 (by Korean reckoning) this year, so I want to start the new year with a new mindset. I also hope that ENHYPEN will grow further and be recognized." Jake added, "I wanted us to maintain our position as a group of our own color with that defining appearance."

Heeseung said, "I hope the situation gets better in 2022 so that we can connect with our fans more. I also really want to attend the Billboard Music Awards." Jungwon said, "I hope none of us get hurt while practicing or performing."

Ni-ki added, "We're just starting out as a group. I hope our group will become more famous, and I also hope that we use this time to develop our skills as well." Sunghoon said, "I agree with what the members said. I really hope that we become more well-known, and I also hope that we all become more outstanding." Jay said, "Health is the most important thing, as Jungwon said. I personally hope that we are recognized as great idols with live performances." (wk/goddess)

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