Lizzy, Ex Orange Caramel Accused of Making Sarcasm Comments Against WJSN CHOCOME


Former member of Orange Caramel and After School, Lizzy talked about WJSN CHOCOME's music video and the concept they chose for “Hmph!”.

Lizzy, Ex Orange Caramel Accused of Making Sarcasm Comments Against WJSN CHOCOME

In a deleted Instagram story, he shared a screenshot of the music video from WJSN CHOCOME and wrote, “I hope WJSN surpasses what OC has! #Hmph! Spirit!"

“However, there are several things that seem to overlap with Orange Caramel, including the concept of the music video. "Aing ~", "Abing Abing", "Magic Girl", "Catallena" hmph hmph ~ Raina, Nana and Lizzy are the best. "

Then, another netizen argued that it was likely that Lizzy was being sarcastic in her praise for her junior.

“You're very impressive for telling WJSN“ thank you !! Fight!!" I hope that you will continue to support WJSN in the future. You're not going to delete my comment this time, right? ”

"I? I didn't delete it. I was sincere when I said "thanks and struggled", and I think the comment was deleted because the OP deleted their comment! "

Neither Lizzy's agency nor the WJSN seem to have taken any action to respond to the controversy. (

Lizzy, Ex Orange Caramel Accused of Making Sarcasm Comments Against WJSN CHOCOME

Lizzy, Ex Orange Caramel Accused of Making Sarcasm Comments Against WJSN CHOCOME

Lizzy, Ex Orange Caramel Accused of Making Sarcasm Comments Against WJSN CHOCOME


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