This English-language song belonging to NCT 127 becomes a discussion because the lyrics are 'hot'


Netizens Imagine the Reactions of NCT 127 Members Who Mastered English Like Johnny and Mark When First Reading the Lyrics or Singing the Song.

One of the NCT 127 songs titled "Highway to Heaven" in English has recently become a topic of discussion by netizens on the online community site Pann. In addition to the catchy melody, the lyrics of the song released in 2019 are considered too "hot".

One of the lyrics in the spotlight is "Pull up the coupe (beep beep)" where the coupe is a car that only has two seats. This lyrics can also be interpreted as "having sex in the car".

Other lyrics that are also highlighted are "And I bet you never had it like this / Real good loving light up your wrist". Unlike the literal version, "light up your wrist" means touching the genitals with your hands.

The lyrics that read "Love how your body feels on me" are also discussed because it matches the literal meaning of "(I) like how your body feels above my body". Netizens who publish posts write that this song sounds cheerful as well as "hot".

This post also received a lot of attention and comments from other netizens. They imagined the reactions of the NCT 127 members who mastered English when reading lyrics or singing "Highway to Heaven".

"That means Mark Lee and Johnny know what the lyrics mean when they sing it ... Wow ..."

"SM literally means 'SM'."

"I already know about this, but seeing it again here makes my mouth water."

"I think I want to pass out imagining the reaction of Johnny and Mark when they first read the lyrics. They might look at each other and laugh, and the other members are wondering why. So Johnny and Mark have to explain everything to them, hehehe."

"At first I didn't understand what 'heaven' they meant by the title ..."

(wk / goddess)