Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu Visit Bali and Yogyakarta in the 'Twogether' program on Netflix


Today Netflix officially announced the latest variety show series titled 'Twogether' which will air on June 26th.

Starring two well-known Asian actors namely Lee Seung Gi from South Korea and Jasper Liu from Taiwan, 'Twogether' illustrates the story of their journey in various countries, including Indonesia, to meet their loyal fans.

In this series, you can see how a long journey can make the two actors make friends, despite the differences in language.

Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu will explore six cities in Asia, including Yogyakarta and Bali in Indonesia, Bangkok and Chiang Mai in Thailand, and Pokhara and Kathmandu in Nepal. All locations that they visit are locations recommended by their loyal fans. If they successfully complete the mission in each city, then they can visit their fans directly.

Together, Lee Seung Gi, who has participated in several variety shows before, and Jasper Liu, the beginner, will solve various unique and laughing missions. You will definitely be annoyed when you see their very playful behavior in this series!

Ogether Twogether ’is produced by Sangsang Company, a company that also produces various other variety shows such as‘ Family Outing ’and‘ Running Man ’, and original Netflix series like Busted! and Park Na-rae: Glamor Warning. (www.kpopchart.net)