Super Junior's Yesung apologized to fans after supporting Kangin

Eka P
Super Junior's Yesung apologized to fans after supporting Kangin - Super Junior's Yesung again expressed his apologies to fans.

Super Junior's Yesung apologized to fans after supporting Kangin

Previously Yesung had apologized after giving support for Kangin's latest web drama.

But apparently there are still many Super Junior fans in South Korea who don't accept and get upset, because Yesung has supported him.

Now through an Instagram account, Yesung uploaded the latest post and wrote, "I think I'm too greedy for thinking you will understand me even though I don't need to explain it. All of your precious feelings, which are always a source of my strength when I feel lonely and have difficulties. It's still like that until now. "

"I think my reckless actions have caused a wound in your precious heart. I'm not sure I can count your hearts that have been broken by me one by one, but I will try my best. Of course the wound that is created will cause infinite pain. I'm really very sorry because I didn't think of it that far, "wrote the idol.
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ELFs in South Korea have also recently made a petition to release Kangin and Yesung from Super Junior. (