Police Receive Testimony Call Evidence Seungri Provides PSK

Eka P
Police Receive Testimony Call Evidence Seungri Provides PSK - Police Convey New Developments Regarding Investigation of Cases of Alleged Prostitution Services Provided by Seungri. Check out the following police statement.

Police Convey New Developments Regarding Investigation of Cases of Alleged Prostitution Services Provided by Seungri. Check out the following police statement.

Seoul Metropolitan Police Office delivered new developments in connection with the alleged case of Seungri providing prostitution services. Monday (1/4), the police obtained a testimony stating that there was evidence that the former Big Bang member acted as a pimp.

"We have confirmed some of the alleged prostitution services (Seungri). After (confirming), we investigated several people in connection with the two-week accusation, and four to five of them were women. We also received testimony about (Seungri) providing prostitution services, "said the source with a high rank in the police.

But the police were still checking to see if Seungri was mediating in prostitution in return for investment, the location where prostitution occurred, and whether Seungri gave the order or not.

The police have also finished comparing and analyzing messages from the chat group known as "Seungri group chat" and the documents they received from the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission so they can check the authenticity of the message.

Seungri was accused of providing prostitution services after an exclusive report released by SBS FunE on February 26. Reporter Kang Kyung Yoon revealed a text message containing evidence Seungri ordered Club Arena employees to find comfort women for foreign investors in December 2015.

Seungri denied all allegations related to prostitution services. Through his lawyer, he gave a number of reasons ranging from "just showing off", there were no female entertainers or prostitutes to typos.

Meanwhile, Seungri and former CEO of Yuri Holdings who is also the husband of actress Park Han Byul, Yoo In Suk, were proven to have embezzled funds after police investigated the Monkey Museum club. The police explained that the embezzled funds were tens of millions of won (around hundreds of millions of rupiah).

The Monkey Museum is a nightclub that was established by Seungri and Yoo In Suk in July 2016. The establishment of this nightclub violates the law because it is registered as an ordinary restaurant. However, the sentence received was inappropriate, giving rise to suspicion of a connection with the police.

Source: wowkeren.com