Synopsis of The Heavenly Idol, the latest Korean drama starring Kim Min Kyu. (Photo: Soompi)
The synopsis of The Heavenly Idol is interesting to know. This latest Korean drama will air on February 15, 2023.
This Romantic Comedy genre drama is certainly a breath of fresh air in the Korean entertainment industry. Moreover, this series stars well-known actors such as Kim Min Kyu and Ko Bo Gyeol. Apart from the fun storyline, the drama The Heavenly Idol can also cure fans' longing for Kim Min Kyu.
Remembering the last Korean drama he starred in, Business Proposal, which aired in 2022, was a success in the market. So, what is the synopsis of the Korean drama, The Heavenly Idol, like? Summarize from Asian Wiki, Friday (17/2/2023) along with the review.
Synopsis The Heavenly Idol
This Korean drama based on a WebToon story tells about Pontifex Lembrary (Kim Min Kyu) who is considered to have the strongest divine power. When he was fighting a demon, he was transported to another world and entered the body of an idol member of the Wild Animan, named Woo Yeon-Woo.
The group had been together for three years, but they almost broke up due to lack of success. Nine hours later, Pontifex Lembrary was put on stage with Wild Animal for a live performance at a broadcast station. Woo Yeon-Woo who is still possessed by the spirit of Pontifex Lembrary becomes popular and so does his Wild Animal group.
Pontifex Lembrary now has to get used to life as a member of an idol group and he faces various problems, including with one girl, Kim Dal (Go Bo-gyeol). Will Woo Yeon's life be better after being possessed by Pontifex Lembrary? What will happen to him next?
You can watch The Heavenly Idol every Thursday and Friday on tvN and Viu. / celebrities. id