Fancam Karina aespa Viral, from visuals to sexy outfits steal attention

Eka P

Fancam Karina aespa Viral, from visuals to sexy outfits steal attention

While all the aespa members flaunt stunning proportions in tight outfits, Karina is the talk of the town. In particular, she wore a silver two-piece outfit.

On December 24, the 2022 SBS Gayo Daejun was held at the Gocheok Sky Dome and was broadcast live and featured a line-up of popular idol groups. Karina aespa's fancam on this event drew strong attention and explosive responses.

On this day, aespa finally appeared at an official event after a long time. Here, the girl group made by SM Entertainment showed off a strong performance by singing their new songs "Illusion" and "Girls".

While all of the aespa members flaunt stunning proportions in tight outfits, Karina has been the talk of the town. In particular, she wore a silver two-piece outfit with sparkling decorations on the top and bottom.

Karina flaunts a perfect S-line and hourglass figure, at the same time dancing vigorously. Her long black hair gives the idol a slick side, while her small face keeps her body proportions ideal.

At the same time, Karina's "cat-like" appearance is emphasized to the fullest with beautiful makeup. Despite her innocent face, Karina can transform into many different images and deliver powerful dance moves, as proven through her various appearances.

Seeing Karina's viral fancam, fans left comments such as, "Karina is a goddess. Her face and body are perfect", "Seriously legendary on stage", "Karina is a stage genius", and "She is so beautiful".

On the other hand, aespa's first solo reality show, "aespa's Synk Road", will be released for the first time on December 28. (wk/goddess)

Fancam Karina aespa Viral, from visuals to sexy outfits steal attention 2

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