Nam Goong Min's burly body is praised now even on a diet, for the sake of a new drama project?

Eka P

Nam Goong Min's burly body is praised now even on a diet, for the sake of a new drama project?

Supporting his appearance as an actor with various new projects does not make Nam Goong Min change his body shape again to be thinner than before.

Supporting the appearance as an actor who plays according to the character in the script does not prevent Nam Goong Min from transforming again. How could it not be, after he showed a body filled with perfectly formed biceps, now the actor has to change his body back into a different figure.

It was revealed that on February 5, the actor updated his Instagram with a photo of himself at the gym. It's not because of the photo that attracts attention, but the content of the caption or description of the upload which briefly only writes one word, "Diet".

Of course, this has become a topic of discussion because currently Nam Goong Min is known to have gained weight. While playing the character for the MBC drama "The Veil", Nam Goong Min revealed that he had gained about 14 kg in weight.

This is done to explore his role as an intelligence agent with a brave personality. Even the change in his body that is getting more muscular has received praise from the director because of the actor's hard work in deepening his role.

For this, Nam Goong Min himself has also received a Daesang award at the 2021 MBC Drama Awards, indicating that his hard work has paid off with achievements. In addition, now he is again changing his appearance according to the character in his new drama.

It is reported that Nam Goong Min is in talks to participate in the new SBS drama “A Lawyer Worth 1,000 Won” (working title). Although it has not been further confirmed, it seems that this diet stage is one of Nam Goong Min's totalities to play a character in his new drama.

"A Lawyer Worth 1,000 Won" is known to follow the story of a highly skilled troublemaker lawyer. Despite causing trouble, the lawyer charged 1000 won as a fee for his services.

Meanwhile, if Nam Goong Min accepts the drama offer then it will be his latest work. His totality as an actor who works hard not only through ability but also with appearance according to character deserves thumbs up. (wk/taki)

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