Yoo Jae Seok Reveals His Experience With COVID-19, Leaks Quarantine in a Small Room

Eka P

Yoo Jae Seok Reveals His Experience With COVID-19, Leaks Quarantine in a Small Room
In the latest episode of the MBC program 'Hangout With Yoo' which was broadcast on Saturday (1/1), Yoo Jae Seok shared his experience when he was a COVID-19 patient.

Yoo Jae Seok reappeared in the program "Hangout With Yoo" after a hiatus due to COVID-19. The comedian with two children was announced to have COVID-19. Yoo Jae Seok was declared fully recovered on December 21.

In the latest episode of "Hangout With Yoo" broadcast on Saturday (1/1), Yoo Jae Seok shared his experience when he became a COVID-19 patient. "I was able to recover thanks to everyone's support. I apologize for causing concern with the sudden news," said Yoo Jae Seok.

Yoo Jae Seok added, "When you get a positive result, it's very surprising. I was a close contact, so I did a PCR test and it was negative at first. I took the test at home and the result was negative, but when I did another test on the day of filming, it came back positive," added Yoo Jae Seok. .

Yoo Jae Seok continued, "When I got a call that my test result was positive, I felt drained of energy. Fortunately, I have no symptoms. That's why I was able to recover quickly, but it made me realize that I have to be more careful," continued Yoo Jae Seok.

Yoo Jae Seok then told about his quarantine period. "I was in a small room and lived almost like the movie 'Oldboy'. I had to wear plastic gloves to even eat," vented Yoo Jae Seok.

Yoo Jae Seok then revealed his habit of contacting everyone when he was quarantined. "I will wake up at 6:30 am and call my colleagues who are doing self-quarantine. I call too many people," said Yoo Jae Seok.

Yoo Jae Seok added, "At around 10 am, I got a call from Jo Se Ho. We were on a video call, but he called me from his house without clothes on. I will call Haha, Jung Joon Ha, and Shin Bong Sun next.

Yoo Jae Seok also didn't forget to contact Lovelyz's Mijoo. "I would call Mijoo after that and she sent me a video entitled, '31 ways to have fun alone', so I watched it," concluded Yoo Jae Seok. (wk/charity)

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