The YouTuber who brought up Song Hye Kyo's tax evasion case again opens his voice

Eka P

The YouTuber who brought up Song Hye Kyo's tax evasion case again opens his voice

Citing Song Hye Kyo's tax evasion in the past, YouTuber Sung Je-joon argued that the actress is not under a full-scale investigation by the National Tax Service.

YouTuber Sung Je-joon is on the brink of prosecution after raising suspicions of Song Hye Kyo's tax evasion. Through his uploaded video, he talked about the demands, as well as the accusations he made.

On December 12, Sung Je-joon uploaded a video entitled "You sued me after all" on his YouTube channel. There are signs of him being prosecuted after raising Song Hye Kyo's tax evasion charges in the past.

Sung Je-joon shared, "I've been mentioning Song Hye Kyo more than any other reporter or YouTuber all this time. I can say that I was the only one who pointed out Song Hye Kyo's problems. I'm not criticizing Song Hye Kyo but her problems in a fair way. However, it seems that Song Hye Kyo's fans are very unhappy."

Then he claimed, "Recently, an article appeared that Song Hye Kyo's fandom announced massive accusations against Song Hye Kyo's agency. They said they would send group phone calls, faxes to her agency and even protest with a truck. There is only one reason for this behavior. There was criticism of Song Hye Kyo, but her agency did not respond."

He added, "Song Hye Kyo's side seems annoyed that they didn't sue me earlier. Let me clarify something. If Song Hye Kyo's side says they will sue me, I just want to tell them to sue me immediately."

Previously, Sung Je-joon had raised suspicions that politicians were involved in Song Hye Kyo's tax evasion case. Citing Song Hye Kyo's past tax evasion, he argued that the actress is not under a full-scale investigation by the National Tax Service because lawyer Jung Chul-seung, co-founder of Song Hye Kyo's agency, has taken care of everything from behind. Revealing the claim, the video has already attracted 2 million views. (wk/goddess)

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