Biggest fan club Lee Seung Gi denies support his relationship with Lee Da In

Eka P

The biggest fan club for the singer and actor, Lee Seung Gi Gallery, has released an official statement. They deny that they have ever expressed support for their relationship with Lee Da In.

Lee Seung Gi has recently been in the spotlight through his love affair with actress Lee Da In. The popular actor's biggest fan club denied that they provided support for his relationship with Lee Da In.

A fan of Lee Seung Gi protested the dating news and rumors of his marriage to Lee Da In by renting a protest truck. But media outlets reported that Lee Seung Gi's fans were overall supportive of their relationship.

However, the singer and actor's biggest fan club, Lee Seung Gi Gallery, released an official statement. They denied that they had ever expressed support for Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In's relationship.

Lee Seung Gi Gallery stated that they respect the actor's personal life, but they will not support a relationship that might interfere with his career. This has to do with Lee Seung Gi's lover background.

Lee Da In's parents and family were previously suspected of being involved in stock manipulation and insider trading, which reportedly caused financial loss and even suicide for some of the victims. Many of Lee Seung Gi's fans are worried that the actress's family reputation can negatively affect him.

Lee Seung Gi's fan club announced, "Currently, there are many articles by the media claiming that his fans support his relationship and wrongly mentioning Lee Seung Gi Gallery among them with a manipulated image of what is claimed to be our official statement."

They added, "We like to make it clear that the Lee Seung Gi Gallery respects Lee Seung Gi's personal life. However, none of the fans can support a relationship where he receives criticism for issues that have nothing to do with him." (wk / dewi)


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