Park So Dam Underwent a Test After Contact with a Positive COVID-19 Employee at the Company

1 minute read

Actress Park So Dam is reported to have undergone a COVID-19 test.

Park So Dam Underwent a Test After Contact with a Positive COVID-19 Employee at the Company

Amid the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Korea, especially among entertainers in the entertainment industry, many idols, actresses, and show staff conduct mass tests as a form of preventing a bigger spread.

One of the artists who carried out the test for this pandemic virus was Park So Dam. The actress who has been busy with her musical dramas recently took a test after coming into contact with an employee who tested positive for COVID-19 on December 3.

The employee is one of the staff behind the production of the musical, so the actress took precautionary steps to detect the spread by conducting a test.

Park So Dam was previously scheduled to appear on the latest episode of “Knowing Brothers” which will be broadcast tonight, along with two other guests, SNSD's Yuri and Chae Soo Bin. (

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May 14, 2025