IZ * ONE Tuai Pro-Counter After Winning Trophy Winning at 'The Show' for 'Secret Story of the Swan'

The victory was won by IZ * ONE after surpassing N.Flying and Weki Meki. IZ * ONE Wins With a Total Score of 9030 followed by Weki Meki and N.Flying with a score of 2669 and 2339 respectively.

Last week, IZ * ONE comeback with the latest mini album titled "Oneiric Diary" which contains the title track titled "Secret Story of the Swan". Tuesday (6/23), they appeared on the music program "The Show" aired on SBS MTV in order to promote the song.

In this week's edition of "The Show", IZ * ONE took home the victory trophy for the song "Secret Story of the Swan". This is the first victory achieved by a 12-member girl group for promotion this time.

The victory was won by IZ * ONE after surpassing N.Flying with "Oh Really" and Weki Meki with "OOPSY". IZ * ONE won with a total score of 9030 followed by Weki Meki and N.Flying with scores of 2669 and 2339 respectively.

Source: SBS MTV

IZ * ONE's victory in the music program "The Show" apparently did not escape the public spotlight. Some of them congratulated Jang Won Young and friends, but others commented sarcastically.

"This is a girl group formed by a producer who faces a two-year prison sentence for cheating on the show. It's kind of funny to hear them singing about 'dreams and hopes' on stage now. Considering they're trampling on someone else's dreams and hopes. Isn't that a little wrong? ? "


"IZ * ONE's comeback album sold 400 thousand copies in the first week and had a fandom large enough to fill the Gocheok stadium as soon as the Corona restriction was complete. They were successful, whatever others thought. Look in the mirror before you write hate comments to children- this beautiful child and reflect on your life. "

"Very beautiful. Congratulations ..."

"Digitally, they were defeated by Oh My Girl."

"It's not fair that one group must disperse while this one is still promoting when everyone knows that they are cheating."

(wk / goddess)