Accused of cheating by a lover, this is how Nam Tae Hyun's response was - Nam Tae Hyun finally gave a statement regarding cheating accusations filed by his own lover, Jang Jae In.
Previously Jang Jae In uploaded a series of posts on Instagram stating that Nam Tae Hyun had cheated on him with other women.
On the same day, now Nam Tae Hyun also uploaded a post through his Instagram account.
The former WINNER personnel wrote, "First of all, I apologize for causing a problem. I want to apologize deeply to Jang Jae In and the person who sent the message. "
"Even though it is entirely my fault, it is very unfortunate because the media contains several things whose truth is still uncertain. I am currently taking care of a number of things, and I will release a handwritten letter and an explanation of it as soon as possible, "wrote the idol.
But soon the post was also removed from Nam Tae Hyun's Instagram account. (