The Song Ji Hyo and Kim Jong Kook moments on 'Running Man' made the shipper fierce

Eka P
2 minute read
The Song Ji Hyo and Kim Jong Kook moments on 'Running Man' made the shipper fierce - The moments of Song Ji Hyo and Kim Jong Kook that made a fuss happened when they were playing Paper Scissors.

The moments of Song Ji Hyo and Kim Jong Kook that made a fuss happened when they were playing Paper Scissors.
"Running Man" presents the latest episode on Sunday (24/3). In the 444th episode, the production team did not invite guest stars but only Haha cs who had to find a "killer" in a mysterious room.

The "Running Man" member was asked to complete various missions, one of which was to throw the toy head pop-up of the pirate. However, Lee Kwang Soo cs also had to find a sword that the production team had hidden.

When opening the refrigerator, Yoo Jae Seok found a large number of toy swords which had been made into ice cream sticks. When eating the ice cream, Ji Suk Jin cs seemed to feel bitterness because of the ice cream material made from bitter tea.

The members decided to play paper rock scissors where the losers had to eat ice cream. Kim Jong Kook and Song Ji Hyo escaped because they compactly pulled out scissors when other members showed papers.

Interestingly, Kim Jong Kook immediately pointed his finger at Song Ji Hyo. The member nicknamed Ace did not hesitate to grab Kim Jong Kook's index finger which pulled him to move to stand beside him.

The simple but romantic moment of Song Ji Hyo and Kim Jong Kook apparently made their shipper excited. "Like this moment. Please marry him immediately (Song Ji Hyo). ​​You both need each other," wrote one fan.

"SpartAce ships (nicknamed Song Ji Hyo and Kim Jong Kook) sail now," continued other fans. "The moment was very natural. They both made my enthusiasm on Monday increase," concluded the other netters.

May 20, 2025