Reportedly Using Cocaine, This is Said Seungri and Lawyer

Eka P
Reportedly Using Cocaine, This is Said Seungri and Lawyer - Seungri is again reported to be carrying out illegal activities.

Seungri is again reported to be carrying out illegal activities.

On Wednesday (20/03), the police revealed that they had obtained information from sources who said Seungri had used cocaine drugs in the Philippines in 2017.

In addition, the speaker also claimed that while holding his birthday party in the Philippines, Seungri also provided prostitution services for his guests.

Responding to the accusation, Seungri immediately denied and said, "I want to do an interrogation face to face with the resource person."

Meanwhile lawyer Son Byung Ho also denied the news that said Seungri was using cocaine and once again offered the police to examine Seungri and the sources in the same time and place.

On February 27, Seungri had indeed been tested for drugs with negative results. (