Kim Jin Woo Winner's New Variety Show - Pink Bomi Awaited After SBS Official Poster Release

Eka P
3 minute read
Kim Jin Woo Winner's New Variety Show - Pink Bomi Awaited After SBS Official Poster Release - 'Legendary Big Fish' will start airing on the upcoming April 5.

'Legendary Big Fish' will start airing on the upcoming April 5.

SBS will soon be airing a new variety show entitled "Legendary Big Fish". This program is scheduled to air on April 5 at 23:10 local time. In addition to announcing the schedule, the program also released its official poster.

"Legendary Big Fish" itself features a dream team consisting of a number of celebrities who love fishing. They will travel around the world to catch the biggest fish in the world.
The official poster of this program displays five permanent members. Starting from Kim Jin Woo Winner (II), Bomi Pink, Jung Doo Hong, Lee Tae Gon and Ji Sang Ryul. The five of them seemed to pose in front of a lake while holding large fishing gear.
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A post shared by SBS (@sbsnow_insta) on Mar 25, 2019 at 1:57 am PDT
The first fishing location they visited was Thailand. They left for the country on March 12 and stayed there for one week.

While in Thailand, they have met with various kinds of fish, including giant stingrays measuring six meters and weighing up to 600 kilograms. In addition, the members also participated in a fishing competition with local anglers.

After SBS announced the show schedule and released the official poster of this program, the fans were even more enthusiastic. Because they can't wait to watch Kim Jin Woo's fishing action to Bomi Apink.

May 18, 2025