Song Ji Eun announces his departure from SECRET

Guntur NK
Song Ji Eun announces his departure from SECRET - Song Ji Eun has released an official statement related to his departure from SECRET and started a new beginning.

Song Ji Eun

On February 28th it was announced that Song Ji Eun had filed a request to Korea Commercial Arbitration Agency in August 2017 to verify that his contract with TS Entertainment was no longer valid.

The reasons for his contract's invalidity include inappropriate payments for drama appearances, signed contracts against his wishes, failure to provide reimbursement, and the transfer of his exclusive contract rights to a third party without his consent.

Later that day, Song Ji Eun also shared an official statement through his instagram account. Here is the contents of the message he wrote:

"Hallo, this is Song Ji Eun. Before I explain, I think I should say this to fans first who have loved and waited for secret and Song Ji Eun, I apologize that you should read news like this. I need a lot of courage to write this down. I just want to tell you good things and I'm sad I can not do it. Right now I do not have any other way of communicating, so unfortunately I have to post this through instagram and I expect your understanding.

My gratitude to TS Entertainment has not changed. From trainee to debut, they have turned my little dream into a big one. Because our company SECRET can grow, active and rely on each other. We can meet fans who still support our dreams and are very valuable to us. Once again I thank you.

Because I feel that way, I'm still worried about how to explain in detail about this situation. Many people will see the article, but it is true that I filed an arbitration request to Korea's Commercial Arbitration Board in August 2017 about the invalidity of my contract with TS Entertainment, and recently I received a decision that my exclusive contract is invalid. I also want to explain clearly to people who are confused after seeing the article, a statement saying that I am in civil litigation is not true.

Since I already know how long the fans are waiting for SECRET, I am careful and very sorry. However, I still want to convey a bright energy to many people.

I will leave the SECRET group and start a new beginning under Song Ji Eun's name. I think all your encouragement and support will be a great strength for me. This is a time when I can grow through this experience. I finished this letter with this hope as a foundation. I will see you again as I become the real Song Ji Eun. I apologize and thank you. " (Source: soompi)