Suzy wearing fan hood, Korean netizen give negative response?

Guntur NK
Suzy wearing fan hood, Korean netizen give negative response? - Action fans when giving the veil to Suzy was reaping negative responses from some Korean netizens.

Suzy wearing fan hood, Korean netizen give negative response?

The fans certainly remember that some time ago a Muslim fan gave a veil and put it on Suzy in a fan signing event.

Although most netizens give praise to Suzy for wearing the fan hood, some netizens claim to be unhappy because this fan gives religious attributes to the idol.

Some netizens have even argued that the event organizers should be banning the fans from giving religious attributes.

Some of the Korean netizens' pros and cons comments seen on the Pann site,

"Suzy is good, but I hope religious gift items are prohibited from any fansign event,"

"Why do fans give Hijaab to Suzy when he knows what it means? Very funny. It is not a proper attitude. Feminists should boycott the hijab. Hijaab is one of the things that symbolizes the lack of women's human rights, "

"Suzy did not even flinch when she put on hijab and thanked her wholeheartedly,"

"It's sad that someone says beautiful hijab, hahaha," and other negative comments.

How do you respond to the negative response of Korean netizens about this hijab / hijab gift? (