PD 'Weekly Idol' to thank Doni & Coni

Guntur NK
PD 'Weekly Idol' to thank Doni & Coni - One of the PDs from 'Weekly Idol', Kim Jin, shared her feelings for Jung Hyung Don and Defconn who quit the program.

One of the PDs from 'Weekly Idol', Kim Jin, shared her feelings for Jung Hyung Don and Defconn who quit the program.

It was recently announced that two MC 'Weekly Idol', will be leaving the program, so it shocked many viewers and fans.

After the news circulated, PD Kim Jin shared her feelings through Twitter to leave her honest feelings.

He wrote, "It's sad that I'm no longer part of 'Weekly Idol', an event that has been part of me for the last 7 years.

We authors / producers and MC would like to thank all the idols and fans who showed their love and support for 'Weekly Idol' until now. "

Kim PD finished thanking Jung Hyung Don and Defconn for their hard work on the show, "It was just yesterday when we met, but we did not feel we were shouting 'Weekly Idol' for the 7th year.

Thank you, Doni and Coni, who always trust the producer / writer, Thank you very much ~ "