Members of H.O.T cry when reunited in 'Infinity Challenge'

Guntur NK
Members of H.O.T cry when reunited in 'Infinity Challenge' - Members of H.O.T finally reunited after a long time through the program 'Infinity Challenge'.

Members of H.O.T cry when reunited in 'Infinity Challenge'

Meeting members of H.O.T are shown in the latest episode of 'Infinity Challenge' which aired on Saturday (17/02) yesterday.

On a special episode titled 'ToToGa 3', members of H.O.T gathered to prepare their first appearance in front of fans after a dozen of this year's vacuum.

When she meets Yoo Jae Suk asking, "Will this work?" Which Kangta answered, "I did not intentionally contact them. I want them to personally decide for themselves after accepting the offer. "

After Kangta, some other H.O.T members like Tony An, Moon Hee Jun, Lee Jae Won, and Jang Woo Hyuk appear onstage where their concert will be held.

While gathering on stage, one by one the members of H.O.T began to shed tears. Moon Hee Jun then remembers his last concert, when he made a promise to fans, "H.O.T will not be disbanded."

"I often hear about it from fans. I also asked them to protect us, so I felt very guilty. And because I'm saying this, I feel even more guilty, "he added. (

Members of H.O.T cry when reunited in 'Infinity Challenge'
