Lee Hyori's problem with opening a cafe in Jeju drags GD's name, this politician is criticized for favoritism

Eka P

Lee Hyori's problem with opening a cafe in Jeju drags GD's name, this politician is criticized for favoritism

The drama started when Lee Hyori and Lee Sang Soon secretly opened a cafe in Jeju. Politician Jeon Yeo Ok Was Not Very Happy And Flicked The Couple On Facebook.

A Korean politician has been criticized for treating Lee Hyori and her husband differently over the opening of a cafe in Jeju. The name G-Dragon BIG BANG was also dragged into this "drama".

The drama begins when Lee Hyori and Lee Sang Soon secretly open a cafe. Politician Jeon Yeo Ok wasn't too happy and poked fun at the couple on Facebook.

"I don't mind Lee Hyori singing, but does she really have to open a coffee shop? In Jeju, there are coffee shops everywhere. It's similar to a retiree opening a chicken shop. Don't the Lee Hyori couple have classes again?" sincere politician.

Fans were not too happy with the statement. They also criticized Jeon Yeo Ok for favoritism towards Lee Hyori, even though G-Dragon and actress Park Han Byul also opened a cafe on the island.

Jeon Yeo Ok responded to the criticism. However, his response drew public outrage.

"G-Dragon is really an entertainer. But Lee Hyori is an entertainer and activist. He previously defended rights and goals through his actions," wrote the politician.

Jeon then stated that Lee Hyori had a responsibility to society and that opening a cafe in Jeju was against the singer's political beliefs.

"Freedom of expression is fine. But if that's the case, he needs to be aware of his surroundings. He needs to understand the plight of the coffee shop owners in Jeju. His actions need to correlate with his progressive beliefs," he said.

Jeon stated that Lee Hyori shouldn't open a cafe because she doesn't need money. When netizens continued to criticize her for favoritism, she instead called Lee Hyori a hypocrite for opening a cafe.

"Lee Hyori went to Jeju because she said she didn't want to be in the spotlight. Because of that, I don't understand why she opened a cafe with a queue of customers a hundred meters away," he said.

Lee Sang Soon stated that he was the sole owner of the cafe. Lee Hyori and her friends visited the cafe on the first day, causing rumors that the singer had opened a cafe in Jeju.

Lee Sang Soon then revealed that the cafe would only accept customers with reservations so as not to interfere with other business. (wk/chus)

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