SNSD's Tiffany Wants To Hear This Advice When She Was Young, It Has To Do With Dreams

Eka P

SNSD's Tiffany Wants To Hear This Advice When She Was Young, It Has To Do With Dreams
SNSD's Tiffany

In achieving the popularity of a career as an idol, SNSD's Tiffany gives wise advice to teenagers who are now trying to realize their dreams.

Participation Girls' Generation's Tiffany recently joined one of Pixid's YouTube channel video series where a group of people with similarities would sit down together and send text messages in chat rooms. Instead of sharing thoughts, the purpose of the event is also to identify which people do not fit into a common theme.

Tiffany has joined a YouTube channel event that brings her together with young teens. Unbeknownst to Tiffany, SHINee's Key has also joined one of the videos. So, Key disguised himself and tried to pretend like he was a fan too.

Tiffany joined a video in which the common characteristics among the participants were all teenage girls. As she participated in the video, Tiffany tried to blend in with the other participants by referring to slang and discussing their hopes for the future.

Tiffany admits that she is like returning to her teenage years after a long time. While the girls in the chat support each other as they share their goals and dreams for the future, the dream that Tiffany shares is something that comes from the heart.

"I want to be an artist. I am entertained and energized by music and movies. I want to be an artist who conveys that," said Tiffany.

As the rest of the chatter cheerfully pushed her away, Tiffany felt very grateful. And he admits that he is looking forward to a new era for girls to create.

Although Tiffany has achieved her dream of becoming an artist, she is dedicated to continuing to develop in her current field and being able to provide comfort to her fans. So he felt even more excited because everyone supported him.

And once again, when the teens shared their messages of support with anyone trying to achieve their dreams, Tiffany felt that the girls were so cool and deep for being so wise at such a young age. However, when it was her turn to share a message of support Tiffany turned to something she wished she had known as a teenager struggling with her dreams.

"A dream you dream alone is just a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality," he said. Tiffany's message is about what if one person shares a dream with someone else and it can come true not just wishful thinking. This idea was very important to him because of his own personal experience while struggling to become an artist.

"When I was a teenager, I blamed myself a lot because I had to do well alone. Actually, community support and empowerment can provide encouragement. We can achieve anything we imagine. I want to tell this story to be who I am today," said Tiffany.

Meanwhile, Tiffany wisely gave her very wise message to young people. With her hard work, Tiffany never fails to share positive things. (wk/taki)

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