Ji Soo's turn to be called a thug and bully at school

Eka P

Actor Ji Soo became the next South Korean celebrity to be called a bully while still in school.

Actor Ji Soo

Recently there was a post on the internet stating that he had attended school with Ji Soo at Seorabeol Middle School from 2006 to 2008.

The netizen wrote, “Actor Ji Soo is the perpetrator of violence at school. I want to talk about the school violence committed by Ji Soo, the main character of the KBS drama “River Where the Moon Rises” and has appeared in various other films and dramas. I was his classmate at Seorabeol Middle School from 2006-2008. Kim Ji Soo is on TV, pretending to be nice and smiling for the camera, but he is just a perpetrator of school violence, a gangster, and a bully. "

“Kim Ji Soo is bigger than other students at his age. In 2007, when I was in 8th grade, he was one of the top students in school and did a lot of evil deeds. "

“His daily routine is quite regular. First, there was always an argument between Kim Ji Soo and the other bullies. When someone in their group felt sad, they would all come looking for me and beat me, stepping on me and insulting me with curses. "

“Their cigarettes are always free. Bullies never buy their own cigarettes. They always ask friends in class to buy it. Besides, he never queued for lunch either. "

“When foods like radish kimchi or cherry tomatoes are served for lunch, they will throw them with a spoon at the other students. I still vividly remember their laughter after seeing the food they threw on my face or clothes. I can see the smile in your eyes, just like the one you're showing on the screen now. "

“The target food throws aren't random, and even if I'm unlucky, I shouldn't be looking at the group. When I saw his eyes, he would scream at me "Ah shit, damn it" and he slapped me too. "

"Even though Kim Ji Soo and the other bullies are in different classes, when they want to sit next to each other in the cafeteria, they will take the seats of the students who have eaten, and sit by themselves."

"In conclusion, I was bullied by Kim Ji Soo and the bully group in middle school until 2008."

“It is not enough to define everything in terms of oppression. Bullying, violence, intimidation, insults, and offensive language are all practiced. The reason it all started with me is because one of the bullies in Kim Ji Soo's group took a gift certificate from student 'B', and I told the bully that I would tell the police if they didn't return it. "

“This kind of behavior is against the rules of Kim Ji Soo's group. Hence, my normal high school life had turned dark ever since. Maybe they were more careful around me, because I was going to report it to the police. They viciously bully other classmates who they know they can get away with, constantly cursing them. "

Responding to these rumors, KeyEast Entertainment's agency said that they would immediately check the truth. (www.kpopchart.net)

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