Unproven allegations of bullying, SEVENTEEN's Mingyu Vacuum

Eka P

Pledis Entertainment released additional information regarding the issue of school bullying against students with autism disorders and sexual harassment that dragged SEVENTEEN's Mingyu.

SEVENTEEN's Mingyu is on hiatus for a while. (Photo: Naver / Dispatch)

After the two netizens' posts went viral, the agency met with the victim and dug further information. They also asked for information from Mingyu's former classmates and other parties related to the case.

Pledis Entertainment also revealed their findings regarding the school bullying accusation. "The accusation of our artist of bullying students with special needs is a hoax," the agency said as quoted by Soompi, Sunday (28/2/2021).

Mingyu, the agency said, clearly remembers the figure referred to as a “victim” in the netizen's posts. And after meeting the parents of students with special needs, it is certain that the 23-year-old idol and the victim were friends.

“The mother of her classmate remembers the real bullies. We also had trouble tracking down the person who first posted the post on online forums. We respect the uploader's wish for no direct confrontation, ”said Pledis.

But the agency admitted that it was open to meeting the uploader of the article and listening to the story. They understand the attitude of the netizen because this incident happened in the past, when Mingyu was in elementary and high school.

Pledis Entertainment confirmed that the artist was very sorry and apologized for the accusation. Even though it was not proven to be bullying, the agency revealed that Mingyu would be on hiatus from all his artistic activities with SEVENTEEN.

This, according to Pledis Entertainment, they did until all the facts related to accusations of school bullying and sexual harassment that befell Mingyu were as clear as possible.

At the end of his statement, the agency apologized if the matter caused inconvenience to some parties. In the future, Pledis Entertainment ensures that it will continue to report on the continuation of the case. * /celebrity.okezone.com


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