Park So Dam Turns Out Almost Doesn't Star 'Parasite' For This Hilarious Reason


Beautiful Actress Park So Dam Reveals the Shocking Truth About Her Participation in the Successful Film 'Parasite'. Check out the full narrative in the news below.

Actress Park So Dam

On Monday (25/1), Park So Dam appeared on the Solar Mamamoo YouTube channel as a guest star. On this occasion he discussed many interesting things, including the film "Parasite" which he starred in in 2019.

As is well known, Park So Dam became one of the main characters of "Parasite" named Ki Jung. She is described as a cunning and deceptive girl, like her parents and older siblings. It cannot be denied that Park So Dam contributed greatly to the success of "Parasite".

There are many interesting stories behind the success of "Parasite". One of them is the fact that Park So Dam barely joined the ranks of the cast. The reason for that is something quite funny and probably not thought of by anyone.

Park So Dam admitted that he did not have an agency before "Parasite" was produced. So when the famous director Bong Joon Ho contacted him, he didn't just believe it. He even let the message from director Bong and just read it.

"At that time I did not work at the agency and I just spent time alone when contacted by director Bong Joon Ho. So I did not believe (if the message was from him), of course. I did not reply," said Park. So Dam.

Shocked by Park So Dam's answer, Solar tried to ask again, "So you only read the message?". Park So Dam replied, "He called me again and asked why I didn't believe it."

Fortunately, Park So Dam finally believed that the message he received was not a fraud. Because without his participation and extraordinary acting, "Parasite" would not be the same as what we know today.

In addition, Park So Dam also talked about interesting facts about the shooting location for the flood scene "Parasite". According to him, the alley outside Ki Taek's (Song Kang Ho) family's house was deliberately built in the tank so that it could be filled with water for the flood scene.

"I was also surprised when I first went. It seemed real," said Park So Dam. In addition, the home of the wealthy Park family was completely built for the purposes of the movie "Parasite" and is no longer standing.

Meanwhile, "Parasite" is known to be a huge success in South Korea and abroad. Because of its quality, this film even won four trophies for the category Best Original Screenplay, Best International Feature Film, Best Director to the Best Picture award at the 92th Academy Awards or Oscar. /(wk / eval)


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