Having not appeared on his SNS account for a long time, former AOA member ChoA has uploaded a photo along with a message for his fans.
This Instagram post marks the return of the idol after more than a year of not activating his account.
On September 18, ChoA shared a photo of himself below along with the following message, “Hello. This is ChoA. Are you all right? This is the first time I've actually used Instagram in a while so I felt a little awkward. "
"Because you all are worried about me, so I take care of my health and because everyone supports me, I have spent my time being grateful."
“Recently, I shot a video on YouTube to show all of you. I'm posting my video for the first time tomorrow. Even if it's really lacking, please watch it well. ”
“These are difficult times, so please gain more strength and be careful of your health. Thank you!"
In other news, ChoA is preparing for her comeback to the entertainment industry after reportedly signing a contract with a new agency founded by the former director of FNC Entertainment. (www.kpopchart.net)