Jasper Liu Praises Lee Seung Gi Charming Figure Although Often rigged at 'Twogether'

The 'Twogether' Netflix program features Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu's journey, who is the same age but comes from various countries and speaks different languages.

Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu

Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu conducted an interview session discussing his experience of shooting "Twogether" with Lee Seung Gi to several countries in Asia including Indonesia to visit their fans.

Jasper Liu praised Lee Seung Gi as a charming figure. "Lee Seung Gi is very charming in many ways. He is a person with a lot of strength. He is brave, knows how to make everyone around him relaxed and he's smart," Jasper Liu said.

Jasper Liu went on to say, "Lee Seung Gi has such a good memory that he will remember something he heard once. It's hard to choose just one thing because he's good at acting and singing, and there's nothing he can't do."

Jasper Liu revealed the reason he and Lee Seung Gi get along well because they were both optimistic. "Even when undergoing missions during filming, we complement each other. There are a number of examples where we have different opinions, but that doesn't matter," Jasper Liu said.

"The journey (filming 'Twogether') is difficult when your partner is not in the same mindset as you, but I remember that the process of traveling with Lee Seung Gi was comfortable and great," Jasper Liu added. Jasper Liu was then asked if he felt betrayed by some of Lee Seung Gi's cheating.

"Rather than feeling betrayed, I am more grateful. When Lee Seung Gi turned the top, I ran back to him after doing my own mission and I thought it was strange that the top kept turning upside down so quickly," Jasper Liu added. But after watching the edited recording, I realized that the spinning peak was not easy. I'm late feeling grateful for him, "Jasper Liu continued with laughter.

Meanwhile, "Twogether" shows the journey of Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu, who are the same age but come from various countries and speak different languages. Together, they traveled to various countries to meet fans and overcome their obstacles to forming friendships.

(wk / charity)