Jasper Liu Confide Often Cheated Lee Seung Gi In 'Twogether', Is There Heart Pain?

Jasper Liu says he wants to invite Haha to 'Twogether'. Jasper Liu then thinks about where he wants to go next if there is a second season of the Netflix program.

Jasper Liu recently conducted an interview session about his participation in starring "Twogether". The Taiwanese actor is open-minded about himself who is often cheated by Lee Seung Gi.

Jasper Liu was initially questioned about the words of Lee Seung Gi who said he was soft on him when playing a mission. But the star of the drama "Twelve Legends" was immediately shocked and shouted, "Wait, wait".

"Lee Seung Gi cheated me many times and is he being soft on me?" Jasper Liu asked. However, he claimed not to have feelings of hurt and was amazed at how creative Lee Seung Gi was when breaking the rules during his mission.

"I saw another side of him on a different program and I think he was really impressive," said Jasper Liu. The 1986-born actor then praised Lee Seung Gi, describing him as a teacher.

"Even if Lee Seung Gi says that he can't do it, I want to work with him. I still have a lot to learn. I can't just carelessly leave a teacher. I have to always be with them. I can't perform alone," Jasper Liu added.

When asked who Jasper Liu would invite to the next "Twogether", he chose Haha. "I think Haha will be good at missions because he is the king of the game," Jasper Liu said.

Jasper Liu then thought about where he wanted to go next if there was a second season of "Twogether". "Lee Seung Gi said he wanted to visit a country where the weather was cold and I thought a cold country would also be nice. I was afraid of the cold, but I felt I could hold it in," Jasper Liu added.

Jasper Liu also chose the most memorable city and the most difficult mission of "Twogether". "I remember each city because each has different characteristics. If you choose the most memorable moment, it is when I meet all the fans after returning to Seoul," continued Jasper Liu.

"I worked hard on my mission to meet fans from each city, but I felt sad because I could not see them for a long time because of the schedule. It was great that the production team created a moment for me to meet the fans," concluded Jasper Liu.

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