IU Claims to Give This Song to Oh My Girl, The Reasons for Making the Netter Cry

IU and Oh My Girl Have a Fun Meeting on a Singing Event titled 'IU's Homebody Live'. Aired on EDAM Entertainment's YouTube Channel, They Play Various Activities and Become Close Friends.

IU and Oh My Girl had a pleasant meeting at a singing event titled "IU's Homebody Live". Aired on EDAM Entertainment's YouTube channel, they looked at each other sweetly, played various activities, and became close friends.

In one question and answer segment, IU reads a question from a fan. The fan asked "which IU song will fit Oh My Girl?". IU did not hesitate to reveal the answer and calmly answered, "the song is 'dlwlrma'."

Released in April 2017, "dlwlrma" is a melody song that refers to the sun, stars, peacocks, and more. Seunghee and Hyojung immediately shouted with joy after hearing the selected song. They can't help feeling how much they like it so much.

IU then made a shocking statement which surprised the members of Oh My Girls. IU apparently originally wanted to give the song "dlwlrma" to Oh My Girl. He explained that the song's lyrics had too many images that didn't match him.

"I have never said this to anyone before but I have made the lyrics that I want to give to Oh My Girl. That's the lyrics for 'dlwlrma'," said IU. "Often, I write the lyrics of a song first. The lyrics are a bit too fantastic for me to sing. It's too unrealistic. But I really want to write something like that."

IU later revealed that he thought about it further and he knew which group would sing the song perfectly. The group is Oh My Girl, known for concepts like fairy tales.

"I thought of someone who was more suitable, and that was Oh My Girl. So I wrote the lyrics thinking that I wanted to give it to Oh My Girl if I had the chance. For the lyrics, I even had a melody. I wrote all of that by remembering Oh My Girl , "said IU

Seunghee and Hyojung could not contain their surprise, with eyes that expressed their deep love for the lyrics and how much he appreciated IU's choice. "I like the lyrics 'dlwlrma'. Listening to them gives me courage," Seunghee said.

This certainly reap emotional responses from many netters. Especially so far the song "dlwlrma" itself is known to be a valuable work for IU. Many people did not think that the song was originally made by thinking of Oh My Girl and would not be given to them.

"Wow !! I was strangely emotional when I heard this."

"Hul ... Are they fans of each other? This is amazing ..."

"As a fan of Oh My Girl, I cry because I feel grateful."

"Now that I think about it, the song really suits Oh My Girl."

"Is that right ?? I think dlrlwma is talking about herself, this can't be trusted."

"This is amazing. That song is perfect for Oh My Girl."

"I really like the lyrics of dlwrlma, I didn't know he had stories like this behind him."

"Whoa, IU must be a big fan of Oh My Girl, seeing from how she even writes songs while thinking of them ?? Can someone explain?"

"IU will give them all of their songs at this level."

(wk / daughter)