Psychiatrist Call B.I Have Signs of Narcotics Addicts?

Eka P
Psychiatrist Call B.I Have Signs of Narcotics Addicts? - A psychiatrist gives his analysis of the behavior shown by B.I.

A psychiatrist gives his analysis of the behavior shown by B.I.

The 'Entertainment Weekly' program recently presented a psychiatrist to respond to KakaoTalk B.I's message and Han Seo Hee.

Upon seeing their conversation on KakaoTalk, Doctor Yang said that B.I's words and attitudes to the conversation indicated that he was addicted to drugs.

As stated by the doctor, "Surely he uses drugs, we can even see the signs."

"Drug addicts can't stand if their supplies are running low so they try to buy in large quantities. I think B.I has tried drugs before and has become addicted. "

"The person who sold the drug even felt worried about him. When B.I says, ‘I want to use drugs forever. 'I feel that he has become very addicted," he said.

The psychiatrist also mentioned that B.I had no guilt in using these drugs, because many colleagues in his agency had used drugs.

"He saw his senior and the producer at YG was caught, but not punished. So he is also sure that he will not get a penalty if he uses drugs, "he said again. (