Joy and Yeri Red Velvet open an Instagram account

Eka P
Joy and Yeri Red Velvet open an Instagram account - Joy And Yeri Red Velvet Finally Makes A Personal Instagram Account And Uploads Their First Post Where Both Do This For Fans.

Joy And Yeri Red Velvet Finally Makes A Personal Instagram Account And Uploads Their First Post Where Both Do This For Fans.

During this time the Red Velvet personnel communicated with the fans via an official Instagram account. Through this account, they shared various posts starting with selfies, holiday photos to a new album teaser.

But Joy and Yeri can now be more free to play on social media with their personal Instagram account. Monday (5/27), both of them announced a new Instagram account while uploading the first post.

Joy uploaded a video of herself where the 1996-born singer said, "Everyone, please open my Instagram frequently, huh." In the posting caption, Joy wrote, "Joy has opened an official Instagram account! Please stop by often and let's meet more often in the future!"
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On the other hand, Yeri also shared his video after attending a "Laws of the Jungle" press conference some time ago. "Hello, this is Yeri! I finally created an Instagram account. Applause! I will work hard to post lots of exciting content for all of you, so I will be grateful if you often stop by," said the Red Velvet youngest member.

The opening of Joy and Yeri's personal Instagram account was of course welcomed by the fans. Now fans are looking forward to whether Red Velvet's oldest three members, Irene, Seulgi and Wendy will also follow in the footsteps of Joy and Yeri.
