Seungri's Lawyer Strikes Netter Because He Denies Allegations of Incorrect Reasons Type

Eka P
Seungri's Lawyer Strikes Netter Because He Denies Allegations of Incorrect Reasons Type - Seungri's Lawyer Denies All Accusations Regarding Prostitution With Wrong Reason Type. Here's the Netter Response.

Seungri's Lawyer Denies All Accusations Regarding Prostitution With Wrong Reason Type. Here's the Netter Response.

Seungri's lawyer conducted an interview discussing the problem chat group that the police are currently investigating. He denied all accusations that arose in connection with the contents of the chat group for various reasons. One of them is a typo.

On February 26, SBS funE revealed Seungri's KakaoTalk message which appeared to involve prostitution. In the message, Seungri gave the order to search, "the girl who will sleep easily".

"Seungri doesn't remember this part. That's from 3 years ago," said the lawyer. "Seungri said he didn't use expressions like that. It was assumed he typed 'girls who can party well' at dinner after a concert in Nagoya, Japan."

The lawyer then explained that Seungri was only trying to find a shopping friend for a foreign friend from Singapore because he was in Japan for a concert and could not take care of his friend. He also revealed the reasons why he just explained it now.

"We will give a clear statement if Seungri received a message from 3 years ago but he did not remember it because of the message from 3 years ago. During the police investigation, Seungri had to read the full text. He then remembered after seeing all the names (in chat) , "continued the lawyer.

But Netter refused to believe Seungri's lawyer's explanation, especially in the typo section. Seungri's attorney turned out to be a mockery after conveying the reason for his client.

"Your jokes are far-fetched. Really? Wrong typing? Wow, your reason is extraordinary," commented the netter. "Mr. attorney, admit, this not only makes you a headache but you're embarrassed too, right? What do you do? I think I'll suffer if I defend something like this," added another netter. "Seungri's lawyer must be a comedian," said Netter.

"Seungri still uses childish reasons in situations like this," said Netter. "That's enough, I'm sick. It's tantamount to saying that Bill Gates (Microsoft inventor) has a part-time job," said another. "It's a pity for them to use that ridiculous reason," concluded another.
