Infinite Tuai Pro Counter Afterwards Announcing New Song Absolution Date

Eka P
Infinite Tuai Pro Counter Afterwards Announcing New Song Absolution Date - At the end of January, Infinite managed to get analytical admirers afterwards the associates gave the cipher for their comeback. Afterwards several canicule passed, Infinite clearly appear the date of their comeback.

This annual was appear by his agency, Woolim Entertainment, through their official Twitter annual on Wednesday (6/2). In its announcement, Woolim Entertainment declared that Infinite will absolution a agenda individual on Wednesday (13/2) at 18:00 bounded time.

Previously, Infinite aggregate a abbreviate brain-teaser via an Instagram annual about the appellation of their new song, "CLOCK". The appellation of this song is accepted to accept been discussed by the associates if they captivated a fan affair in Seoul endure December 2018.

For Infinite, "CLOCK" has a abysmal meaning. Because the song presents amore amid them and fans. They call this song with "Let's absorb time with you forever". Not alone that, this song aswell contains an advertisement of abysmal adulation from Infinite for its fans.

Shortly afterwards this advertisement was released, Infinite admirers showed their enthusiasm. But not a few admirers feel aghast because Infinite alone appear agenda singles, not abounding albums. Because abounding of them wish to apprehend added of Infinite's new songs.

"Wow, assuredly their new song will be released, I'm actual happy," wrote a netter. "I'm actual blessed with this news, so I can't delay to wait," added the added netter. "Woolim, why did you alone absolution agenda singles? Don't you wish added money?" added net protests. "I waited actual long, and you just appear a agenda single? I was actual disappointed," said the added netters. "I am blessed but aswell disappointed, I achievement you will advance Infinite even bigger this year," assured the added netters.

Infinite endure fabricated a improvement in January 2018 with the absolution of an anthology advantaged "Top Seed". Are you cat-and-mouse for the absolution of their new song?