Idols Built-in In 1995 Send Letters To Their Approaching And Accomplished Selves

Eka P

Idols Built-in In 1995 Send Letters To Their Approaching And Accomplished Selves = As abounding all over the apple bless Lunar New Year, this year is somewhat appropriate for those built-in in 1995 in Korea. By Korean reckoning, 95-ers are 25 years old this year, which agency they accept just hit the center point of their 20s. With this in mind, assorted idols built-in in 1995 were asked to say something to either their accomplished 20-year-old selves or their approaching 30-year-old selves. Here are their letters in archival adjustment of their birthdays!

JBJ95’s Kenta – January 10

“Hello 30-year-old Kenta. The 25-year-old me has afraid animosity because I don’t apperceive what will appear in my future. But aback I’m me, I’ll apparently be animated a lot even if I’m 30, right? I achievement that I’m acquirements a lot and am blessed like I am appropriate now. I’ll plan harder appropriate now so that I can be even happier if I’m 30. Yield affliction of yourself, and become a abundant Kenta that never forgets to be thankful!”

N.Flying’s Yoo Hwe Seung – February 28

“Hello Hwe Seung, it’s Hwe Seung. Congratulations on axis 30 haha… Oh, sorry, it accept to be appealing austere for you, right? But don’t worry, the 25-year-old you consistently formed harder for 30-year-old you. So you’ll accept become a 30-year-old N.Flying’s Yoo Hwe Seung that’s accepting adulation for abundant music. Then, see you~”

MAMAMOO’s Wheein – April 17

“Twenty-year-old Wheein… There were such blithesome and blessed moments aback accomplishing the dream of acceptable a singer, which you dreamt of aback you were young. Aback it was the beginning, aggregate was absorbing and you were overflowing with passion. Thinking of aback then, it reminds me of my roots. Aback it’s a time that I can’t acknowledgment to anyways, let’s adore now even more!”

Choo Hwa Jung – May 10

“To 20-year-old Hwa Jung. You accept a lot that you wish to do, and a lot that you wish to achieve. I achievement that you plan harder and slowly, durably do the things you wish and the things you’re acceptable at.”

“To 30-year-old Hwa Jung. I achievement that if you’re in your 30s, you’ve accomplished the things you capital to some extent. I achievement you do able-bodied and become anyone who helps those about you.”

JBJ95’s Kim Sang Gyun – May 23

“Hello, the foreground chiffre [of your age] has afflicted from two to three. I achievement that you’re convalescent and happier if you’re 30 years old than you are now. Aback you’ve answer and formed harder in your 20s, you’ll apparently be happier then. I achievement that the humans who adulation and abutment you are still by your side. Make abiding you eat all your meals, and acceptable luck.”

VIXX’s Hyuk – July 5

“Thirty-year-old Hyuk, you debuted in your adolescence as VIXX, and somehow you’re already in your 30s. I’m appreciative but aswell touched. A lot has happened throughout your life. I admiration what it would feel like for you to attending aback on your 20s as anyone in your 30s? I’m analytical as to whether you accept any moments you regret. But still, aback I apperceive you bigger than anyone, I’m assured that that time was meaningful, abounding with adventures and learning. You’ve formed harder throughout this time, to become anyone in your 30s with a advantageous physique and mind. I wish to acquaint you acceptable job. Acceptable job, Hyuk!”

MAMAMOO’s Hwasa – July 23

“Thirty-year-old Hwasa is apparently a acknowledgment accompanist and musician, right? I’ll do my best today for my 30-year-old self, so that I can be aflame for and advanced my future!”

SF9’s Dawon – July 24

“Hello Dawon, you’re already 30 years old. You’re apparently absent even bigger dreams than you are now. Let’s do well. Your ancestors is depending on you. You can do it, right? Don’t just say you can’t do it. To anyone at atomic once, you are…”

VERIVERY’s Dongheon – August 4

“Hello 20-year-old Dongheon. You’ve apparently just appear to Seoul and are accepting a harder time, but those times are traveling to body up and are traveling to become your assets! You’re traveling to admission in 2019 in the year of the aureate pig and accept a lot of adulation from a lot of people! So adhere in there a little longer, you’ve formed absolutely hard. I’m so appreciative of you. Dongheon, let’s consistently become anyone who knows how to be thankful, acceptable luck! I consistently adulation you and abutment you.”

gugudan’s Haebin – August 16

“Thirty-year-old Haebin, I admiration if I’m declared to abode you formally aback you’re earlier than me? I don’t apperceive what I’ll be like then, so I’m absolutely curious! You’re apparently happy, healthy, and alive hard, right? Thank you so much. You’re not beat or tired, are you? You’ve formed absolutely hard, and you’ve done well. So I capital to acquaint you that it’ll get better. I’ll plan harder too, for an even bigger 30-year-old me! Let’s go! I adulation you.”

ONEUS’s Ravn – September 2

“Hello Adolescent Jo [Ravn’s absolute name]. I’m abiding that if 30 years old, you will accept accomplished aggregate you’ve wanted! Appropriate now, I accept a lot of things that are lacking, but I anticipate that I will boring and gradually be accomplishing my goals. Yield affliction of your health, and let’s consistently become anyone abundant who takes acceptable affliction of others.”

CLC’s Seunghee – October 10

“It’s been harder with your apathetic and airy attributes to jump into acute plan activity for the accomplished 5 years, hasn’t it? Still, I wish to aboveboard acclaim you for constant it as your cocky that’s fabricated it to the center point. I anticipate it’s your accolade for alive harder and accepting acceptable affluence with humans for accepting met such abundant associates and fans. I achievement that for the blow of your 20s you’ll reside your activity so that if you’re 30 years old, your action is bigger than your regrets. I achievement that you absorb a confident, admired 5 years so that the Oh Seunghee in her 20s becomes the brightest and arch outline of the Oh Seunghee in her 30s and Oh Seunghee as a person. You’re anyone who absolutely has the appropriate to be loved, and you will become anyone who will consistently allotment adulation with others! Acceptable luck, and let’s do well.”

gugudan’s Nayoung – November 23

“Hello Nayoung! You’ve formed harder and somehow become 30 years old already. You’ve already hit your eight-year ceremony as a singer. If you were younger, you consistently capital to be in your 20s… how does it feel to be 30 years old? Is there a lot of change? I anticipate of it as addition beginning. Let’s go forward! Are you authoritative music that comforts people? You formed harder in your 20s to accomplish your dream of ‘making music that comforts.’ I’m analytical if you’ve accomplished your dream. But still, you accept a lot of time and opportunities, so don’t feel too impatient! Aren’t you accomplishing something that you love? I anticipate there’s annihilation to be added beholden and happier for, accomplishing what you love. You’re anyone who’s absolutely happy. So let’s advance harder to do the things we want, to accomplish the dreams we have! Acceptable luck gugudan! Acceptable luck Kim Nayoung!”

GFRIEND’s Sowon – December 7

“You’ve formed absolutely harder and are accomplishing able-bodied now. I achievement that now you can be blessed and airy while accomplishing the things you do. If you become added carefree, don’t you anticipate you can yield affliction of those about you a little better? Acceptable luck!”

PENTAGON’s Shinwon – December 11

“Shinwon, the alley advanced is abounding of difficulties. But there’s traveling to be just as abundant beatitude following, so plan harder as you do. Be stronger, you’re traveling to debut.”