Super Junior successful selling mask in home shopping program

Eka P
Super Junior successful selling mask in home shopping program - Super Junior returns to great success after appearing in home shopping program.

Boy group SM Entertainment has recently starred in a program titled 'Super Market' on channel CJ O Shopping. Through the program, Super Junior members sell beauty masks from the Avajar brand.

In just 65 minutes during the program, a total of 7000 masks were immediately sold out.

At that time Super Junior sold two types of masks Avajar, the usual version that sold for 98 thousand Won (1.2 million Rupiah) and Super Junior special edition which sold for 129 thousand Won (1.6 million Rupiah).

Special edition of Super Junior sold out in just 30 minutes, and Super Junior managed to sell all types of masks 10 minutes before the event ended. Total sales are estimated at 900 million Won or about 11.5 billion Rupiah.

In the past year Super Junior also successfully selling jackets through the same home shopping program. (