Actor Ye Hak Young was caught driving while intoxicated

Guntur NK
Actor Ye Hak Young was caught driving while intoxicated - Actor Ye Hak Young was recently caught driving a car in a drunken state.

Actor Ye Hak Young was caught driving while intoxicated

He was found sleeping in his car parked on the curb on February 16 at 7:50 am South Korean time.

Police then checked the blood alcohol level and the results revealed that the blood alcohol level reached 0.067% that had exceeded the 0.05% maximum limit to drive the car.

As a result Ye Young Young received a summons from the police to undergo further examination, and if he is found guilty then it is possible if his license will be revoked.

This is not the first criminal case experienced by Ye Hak Young, as in 2009 ago he was caught smuggling drugs such as ecstasy and ketamine. (