Red Velvet's Wendy has asked a psychologist for help because it's so hard to be an idol

Eka P

Wendy opens up about meeting a psychologist and realizing the severity of her hardships while being an idol in a recent episode of JTBC's 'Mysterious Record Shop' program.

Red Velvet's Wendy - Instagram / redvelvet.smtown

As one of the MCs for the JTBC program "Mysterious Record Shop", Red Velvet's Wendy does not shy away from the topic of psychological help. He is open about seeing a psychologist and realizing the severity of the hardships he went through while being an idol.

Wendy said that she did not want to burden others as she struggled. Unfortunately, it got to the point where the owner of the name Son Seungwan didn't even know how hard he was struggling.

"When we were promoting, we didn't have time to rest. I don't think I have to express my difficulties. I don't know myself when I feel annoyed because I hide all these things," he said.

On the other hand, Wendy worries about others and whether she deserves to focus on herself. He said, "I'm starting to wonder if I'm in a difficult situation. I wonder if it's okay for me to have a hard time right now.

Wendy finally gained the strength to face her problems head on and received the help she needed to maintain her mental health. The 1994-born singer revealed, "I underwent counseling sessions because I kept biting my tail (a term for people who keep making mistakes)."

It touched the heart of one guest, who said, "Idols have been through a lot of hard things." They concluded how difficult it is for Korean celebrities to focus on maintaining their mental health, especially since idols often debut very young.

He said, "They think, 'I'm not tired yet.' They said, 'I can't be tired.' They keep trying to get tired. "

"One of the problems is they are too young to live as Wendy or me because they are usually trainees (or just debut)," added Super Junior's Kyuhyun.

After hearing Wendy share such personal details on serious topics, many were inspired by her strengths. They also praised Wendy for staying strong.(wk / chus)


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